Int. Ch. Beludru After Eight RAG n 03
Born August 21, 2018 in the Netherlands
Call name: Saphir. Tested on January 16, 2020 for FelV and FIV: Test result: Negative
HCM and PKD test result to be determined
Color: seal point bicolor eye color: blue
As soon as I saw his blue eyes, I was charmed. His sweet personality is also extraordinary.
Dear Susan in Venlo, thank you for this wonderfully cuddly Ragdoll king.
At seven months, he was already voted Best in Show in the Netherlands and BIV = Best in Variety.
On January 25th and 26th, we were at a show in Rothenburg ob der Tauber with the following results:
Best of Breed, special award, Best in Variety and 2 nominations for BIS, 3 x CAC, 1 x CACIB
On February 15th and 16th, 2020 in Dingolfing, he won "Best in Show" on both days, won a special award and the title “International Champion”.
Kaiser-Rags Lino RAG d 04 32
Born May 11, 2019 HCM/PKD/FeLV/FIV test result negative
Color: Red mink mitted, cinnamon carrier eye color: green
Lino is from one of our litters born at my breeder friend, Chris‘ cattery, not far from us.
He has a sunny personality and is popular among the lady cats. Unfortunately, he often marks his territory, which can pose a challenge to living with him. That’s why he is currently chipped and it is planned that he will father kittens again in 2021 or 2022.
he is now neutered
Meine Katzen verstehen sich gut mit Hunden, da sie von klein auf mit ihnen aufwachsen.
Das sind unsere zwei altdeutschen Schäferhunde Donna und Enzo.
Beide sind zehn Jahre alt und wissen aus Erfahrung dass die Katzen die Chefs hier sind.....